
Hidden Heroes 200x184

Media Owner and Marketer:

PROFS Marketing GmbH

Zur Werft 13

4802 Ebensee


Phone: +43 6133 4574-0

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General Manager: Christian Feichtinger

Commercial Register Entry: FN: 407797b, LG Wels

Sales-Tax-ID: ATU68401044

E-Commerce-Authority: BH Gmunden


Declaration in accordance with § 25 Abs. 4 MedG.:
hiddenheroes is the official website of www.hiddenheroes.hockey. We inform from the perspective of the involved leagues and federations about happenings in and around this campaign.

By court decision it was determined that you possibly are co-responsible for the content of linked page if that link is being included on your webpage. This can only be prevented by distancing expressly from that content. We have several links to other pages on the internet on different pages of this domain. The following applies for these links: „we expressly declare that we do not have any influence on the design and the contents of these linked pages. Thus we expressly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked pages on the websites of our domain and do not claim their contents our own.”